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Following up CCTV testing halt

2007年6月18日 23点25分 发表评论 阅读评论

Test Environment:
2 x nodes: CentOS4.4 + Cluster + GFS
2 x Pressing source:
SuperMicro 812 box installed Windows Server 2003
SuperMicro 812 box installed Windows XP Professional

Test steps:
1.Build Cluster and make GFS share across the nodes, and exports it by sambe protocol.
2.Install Sobie(developed for CCTV dedicated testing) on Windows boxes.
3.Map the samba share as Windows local directory
4.Run Sobie server/client(40 processes) on the Windows.

Observer the output of the following commands:
# dstat -N eth0,eth1,eth2
Dstat is a tool for monitoring network translation.

When run the Sobie, the logic volumn is missed! Finally, I got the underlying reason, the Web GUI setting changed my BA880 setting including existed logical volumns, which should also had been re-formatted.

It took me nearly about two hours to fix it and recreate fresh physical volumens, volumn groups and logical volumns. This testing are now running and I will check it tomorrow morning.

Update at July 30th, 2007:
This issue has been proved to be related with Samba when duplicate in Greatwall Lab.

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