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About Teamwork

2006年3月31日 11点00分 发表评论 阅读评论

Towards the end of the evening,invariably someone would insult someone else with a slurring reference to his mother,his sweetheart,his home town,or his region. Then they would fight,as soldiers boys do,inflicting bloody noses and blackened eyes,before staggering back to their barracks, yelling war chants, supporting each other,becoming commands.

The result of these shared experiences was a closeness unknown to all outsiders. Comrades are closer than friends,closer than brothers.Their relationship is different from that of lover. They trust in ,and knowledge of ,each other is total. They got to know each other’s life stories, what they didi before they came into the Army,where and why they volunteered, what they like to eat and drink, what their capabilities were. On a night march they would hear a cough and know who it was; on a night maneuever they would see someone sneaking through the woods and know who it was from his sihouette.

From Band of Brothers, Stephen.E.Ambrose

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