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Update working notes

2006年1月19日 16点54分 发表评论 阅读评论

Chengdu, SE7501WV2 board in 2300RGII makes big noise:

At first, the customer service engineer reflashed the latest BIOS and FRU/SDR, these machines were running without much noise. For some reason, the customer shutdown all these servers after they had been working two weeks. However, these machines made big noise again when they were power on in the third week. Our engineer went to reflashed the BIOS and FRU/SDR, it seemed to do helpless for decreasing the sound.

I think there are three condition in which this issue could be taken place. As we all know, big noise is made by fans which is running fasted. Then, first we could just imagine there had been one of these fans stopped.so other fans ran in higher speed to make the system in general working temparature.Second,the environment where these servers were located is hot, and the final one may be FRU/SDR reflashed is not suited for the platform. For example, the chassis has thress fans,and the FRU/SDR configuration is set to four.
This issue is still open.I’m waiting for SEL file from customer.

RAID / hotplug test:

The test platform is PR2510 with two SCSI harddisk configurated as RAID 1. I installed Windows Server 2000, and then plug one harddisk. The system was still running as normal with sharp alert.Then I created a new file in current Windows, and placed the harddisk back, the alter voice still exist.When I reboot the computer, press CTRL+G , I could see the former offline harddisk were rebuilding automaticly.
It took about 4 hours to rebuild the system which capacity is 6GB.

How could we save the information when the RAID is offline? In most cases, a memory with BUU(battery) is able to increase the RAID security. And if the operating system is in computing status (writing data and executing program), the RAID is always unavailable.

Shanghai, BlackICE server protection is one of firewall productions for Windows OS.
The BOM of x510 and x510g2 had been updated in Dem 16th, 2005. I’ve inserted some new CPU,memory and harddisks.

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