mount Windows shared directory to Mandriva
In Nov 21st,2005, I wrote if using the following command in SuSE 9.1 professional to mount a windows shared directory:
# mount -t smbfs -o username=phillip,password=aaa // /mnt/temp
There will be an error information displayed. After modified this command:
# mount -t smbfs -o username=phillip,password=aaa //computer_name/shared_directory /mnt/temp
The windows shared directory would be mount to SuSE successfully.
It’s strange in Mandriva 2006.
First, I used the computer’s name to mount:
# mount -t smbfs -o username=phillip, password=aaa //computer_name/shared_directory /mnt/temp
the following information was showed:
6502: Connection to test failed
SMB connection failed.
Since the SMB service is running well in Mandriva, how could this happen?
Then, I tried the IP address instead of computer’s name:
# mount -t smbfs -o username=phillip,password=aaa // /mnt/temp
As the resule, the windows directory was mounted successfully and I could read and write it.