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BX1600 Project

2008年3月27日 21点10分 发表评论 阅读评论

On SuperMicro 936a platform with X7DCL-3 motherboard, it can not install Linux on the IDE Disk or CF cards via USB CD-ROM. This has been confirmed by SuperMicro Technical Support, who later suggests me to download the latest BIOS and try again. By the way, in other PC, burn the UIT OS in CF, and it will meet halting as system boot(mkdevices halt), while install UIT OS on SATA disk successfully,the init script in initrd.img and /etc/fstab should be modified with corresponding strings.

When compile new module file(for example, .ko), and put in /lib/modules/2.6.22-16 directory, it is necessary to issue “depmod -a” to update “module.dep” file, which is used by kernel to automatically insert module when system boots. “modinfo” is useful command to check module’s information.

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