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Windows XP Service Package 2

2008年2月16日 20点52分 发表评论 阅读评论

I have only a Windows installation CD at home, and later I find it does not contain service package. This Windows is setting up as Chinese, so I download a copy of sp2 from Internet. When try to install this new package, it has error and displays the language is not meet. I google from some hints, a fellow said this issue may be fixed by changed the local language parameters in Windows register table. Some illegal Windows copy are based on Singapore Chinese, not main China. As follow the steps and reboot, I can not log on Windows because it warns me that the license has been recognized as unavailable. I has to boot system to safe-mode, and restore the former setting to make the system be normal again. My aim is burn other ISO located at my T23 notepad and install Windows again. Later, I reinstall the system with new Windows CD which is English version.

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