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Save private “LAT”

2006年12月3日 12点27分 发表评论 阅读评论

Mount my harddisk to new machines, XP down, but CentOS/LAT would still startup. I want to play 3C with my fellows, and it’s two slowly in Linux cedege, I had to install a new XP without losing my private “LAT”. Grub manages the boot of harddisk, when choose boot from XP, blue screen happenes. The XP must be re-installed. Finally, I resolve this trouble by the following steps.

Add another new IDE harddisk , set it as “Master” and the old one as “Slave” , then boot from CD-ROM(XP CD inside) to install XP in master harddisk. Install a fresh mini CentOS on master, it will also use grub. Modify this mini CentOS’s grub.conf(Refer the former /boot/grub/grub.conf), and the “CentOS/LAT” entry. Yes, the private “LAT” was saved.

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