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2006年2月11日 10点22分 发表评论 阅读评论

Sort, sort lines of text files.
sort -c -m -u -o output-file [other options] +pos1.+pos2 input_files
-c : to check the text has been sorted
-m : combine two sorted files
-u : delete all duplicate characters to keep contents unique.
-o : write result to a file instead of standard output
-t : the default seperator is space, but we can also identify other characters by using “-t”.
-r : revers the sort sequence.
+pos1 : indicate the fields which will be sorted
+pos2 : indicate the character position which will be sorted
Note, the fieid and characters’ sequence are not as same as they are described in RE.These sequence account from 0 not 1.for example:
My name is Phillip Huang
Fields 0 1 2 3 4

P h i l l i p
Character 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

pos usage:
# sort +field_number.characters_number
Then ,the command line “# sort +4.6 input-file” means sort operation will be start from 5th fields, 7th character.

If we only execute the following command “# sort filename” without any options and specified fields or characters, sort will make the field 0 as default automatically.

sort by numeric field:
# sort -t: +3n video.txt
if “n” character is not used here, the result would be like following:
In fact, the output is not what we want because it is sorted by the first number of the numberic string.What will be if the “n”
character added?
# sort -t +3n video.txt
This operation sorted with the whole numeric string gives the right answer.

By using “-k” option, it is impossible for us to identify the first partition as field 1 just as RE. This way is more easily used which should not confuse us.for example:
# sort -t: -k4 video.txt

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