
2006年3月 的存档

About Teamwork

2006年3月31日 没有评论

Towards the end of the evening,invariably someone would insult someone else with a slurring reference to his mother,his sweetheart,his home town,or his region. Then they would fight,as soldiers boys do,inflicting bloody noses and blackened eyes,before staggering back to their barracks, yelling war chants, supporting each other,becoming commands.

The result of these shared experiences was a closeness unknown to all outsiders. Comrades are closer than friends,closer than brothers.Their relationship is different from that of lover. They trust in ,and knowledge of ,each other is total. They got to know each other’s life stories, what they didi before they came into the Army,where and why they volunteered, what they like to eat and drink, what their capabilities were. On a night march they would hear a cough and know who it was; on a night maneuever they would see someone sneaking through the woods and know who it was from his sihouette.

From Band of Brothers, Stephen.E.Ambrose

分类: 心理 标签:

Active riser card in SC2400 and 1400

2006年3月17日 没有评论

There are two riser card in Intel SC2400 platform. One is full height, and the other is low profile. The low profile riser card had three PCI-X 100/66 slots. Full height has three option items:
Passive, which contains three PCI-X 100/66 slots;
Active, two PCI-X 133/66 slots located in top two position, and one PCI-X 100/66 slot.
Option 3, one PCI-X 100/66 and two PCI-E x 4 slots.

Powerleader’s default order is Passive.

In SC1400 platform which is 1U rack,
Low profile riser card: one PCI-X 100/66 slot
Full height riser card: one PCI-X 133/66 or one PCI-E x 8.

分类: 科技 标签:

Resolve alert LED glaring in 7501WV2/SC2300

2006年3月8日 没有评论

There are 71 2300RGII(7501WV2/SC2300) servers in the production line. And the worker told me the alter LED in the front panel is always glaring in some machines. I tried to re-flashed the BIOS and FRUSDR, the nosie is lower, and it seemed the LED do not alert. But if the machines is powered off for some minutes,and then power on again, the LED would be glaring again.

Finally, I found the resolution.It will be resolved by the following way:
1. Update the FRUSRD to 5.6.B
2. Update the BMC to 1.20
3. Update the BIOS to 3.90 build 250
4. Clear CMOS
the operation must be taken in former order.

Changsha customer asked if they could only replace the RAID card when the original RAID card halted. The answer is yes. Because the RAID information is written to both RAID Card and Hard Diskes,once the new raid card is inserted, the information will be translated from harddisk to raid card automatically. I’ve done this test in 2510(BD2 / Intel SRCZCRX),when the raid card is replaces,it alters, and will show messages about recovery.

分类: 科技 标签:

Sapello baseboard

2006年3月8日 没有评论

Sapello,pilot point 4 DP:
Non-redundant 550W PFC Power Supply;
Two non-redundant cooling fans;
Support for six tool for non-hotswap hard drivers;
Cable(one each): Front panel cable,USB cable, Chassis Instrusion cable.

Silver 5C5299DP(Polot Point 4 DP) with 550W fix PSU, 2 Chassis fan,racable,support up to 6 fixed drivers,upgradable to 6 hot swap drivers.support Sapello and Star Lake.

Thermal Solutions:

Bensley CPU Thermal/Machine:
1U passive Cu base (78.7mm x 88.9mm)
Chassis: SSI compliant Chassis list:

S5000VSA(SATA SKU) Server Board
FYI: Operation system drivers:
“Alpha” drivers for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server EM64T,RHEL 4.0 u2 and RHEL 4.0u2 EM64T.

Dempsey(1067MHz FSB/2M Cache/Dual Core)

Ther boards provide eight fan headers:
One Memory fan,two for CPU fans and five for system fans.

Intel S5000 Chipset (codename: blackford)
OS Test : Basic Installation Testing, Compability and stress testing.
MS 2003 Enterprise Edition x32 & x64
RHEL Linux 4.0 U2 x 64
SuSE Linux Enterprise 9.0 SP3 x64

Memory: Micron 256MB,Infineon 512MB/1GB,Micron 2.0GB

The Intel server board S5000VSA(Sapello) is designed to support the 3.4GHz(and higher)/1067 MHz FSB/2M L2 cache Intel Xeon Processors.

If there are any error in the testing, we could use SEL to view the log.

分类: 科技 标签:


2006年3月8日 没有评论

Tr is used to delete controll characters and substance characters from standard input file.There are two strings, one indicates query conditions, and anther is used to translate between characters. When using tr, the first string is imaged to the second string, and then begin to translate.
syntax: tr -c -d -s [*string1_to_translate_from*] [string2_to_] file
-c : use the other character set except for itself in ASCII to substance the original.
-d : delete all the character existing in the first string
-s : delete all the duplicate character, and only keep the unique character.
1. delete duplicate lines:
# vi oops.txt
Baaarcelona vvs Chellseaa
# tr -s “[a-z]” oops.txt
Barcelona vs Chelsea
2. delete null lines.
# tr -s “[

分类: 科技 标签:

uniq, join,cut and paste

2006年3月8日 没有评论

uniq : remove the duplicate lines from sorted file.
syntax : uniq -u -d -c input-file output-file
-u : display the unique lines
-d : dipalsy the duplicate lines
-c : print the duplicate count
-f n : n means number, the first n characters are ignored

join : join lines of two file to a common field
syntax : join [option] input-file1 input-file2

cut:remove sections from echa line of files
paste: merge lines of files
# ls -l | paste

split : split files into pieces,or split big files to some small pieces.
Sometimes, it would be easy for us to split big files to some small pieces when we are transporting these big files. For example,when we use Vi or sort, there will be a large buffer area if edit big files. As we all know, large buffer should be avoided.That is saying, we have to split the file first.
split syntax : split -output_file_size input_filename output_filename
-output_file_size means how many lines the file will be splited. the maximum lines is 1000.
The splited pieces are named from x[aa] to x[zz], in which “x” is the firt character of the file name. [aa][zz] must be used together.for example:
# split -2 test_file
result: xaa xbb
Pay attention,”x” is always “x”,not “s” which is the first letter of the file_name.

分类: 科技 标签:

Month Summary

2006年3月8日 没有评论

Last month, February, I am busy in making the project plan which is about Intel dual core baseboard.Sapello and Star Lake’s SAS sku are arranged to me,and these products will be released at March 15th. Due to the project time point, I believe good communication with my group members are very important, try to know what they need, and when they would start and finish their own working. This communication seemes to be difficult, but I’ve found fun in these project management. More useful knowledge except of technology are learned.

Everyboby in my team has great effection and patience. The succession is always depended on them. I must keep balance in the team and encourage both my engineers and myself.

I am on my way which I want to affect the persons around me, and I hope we could learne from each other and be good friends. If so, my team should be the most strongest and powerful.

An emergency issue is AF2/5300BRP in Hainan. These machines are not stable and the customer lost the patience. I think Samsung DDR2 memory and Intel’s BIOS are the reason. A report suggesting not to use Samsung DDR2 memory in Intel server board was sent by some inside sales of Intel. We had servaral meetings to discussing whether our products should still use Samsung Memory. As the result, Infineon is determined to instead of Samsung.

Intel platform must not be trusted without testing in our lab. There are so many error including hardware design and bios bugs happened in these expensive machines.

Finally, I am continuting my Linux Shell studying in my spare time.The notes will be written following this article.

分类: 科技 标签:

Happy birthday

2006年3月1日 没有评论

Happy birthday, Mother.

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